
Welcome to this site! E.Q.M.C.*


This is a start of a new political movement in the USA.  The country of the USA continues to have high deficits, wars they may not want to be involved in, the tuition rates at public universities are sky-high, social security is not on sound ground, etc.

My book outlining these ideas, is in progress. I plan to self-publish.

There will also be a sale of an e-file version, at a lower cost.

Any potential revenues from the book and e-file book are slated to go toward grass-roots efforts. My costs to self-publish may be reimbursed to me at a later date.

I call on all fellow reasonably-minded people, democrats, republicans, independents, green party, libertarians, union members, and all other motivated Americans to help with this movement and this blog, which is started now to help gather activists who are interested.

*This E.Q.M.C. USA political movement is in no way related to a stock or mutual fund named EQMC, in Europe. I found that stock name on-line, when I was searching.

19 thoughts on “welcome

  1. Amen!!! I couldn’t agree more. People think that electing rich people means they’ll show us their secrets. Instead, they continue to line their own pockets, not ours….at least in recent times. In addition, we need to change the campaign finance laws so all viable candidates receive a certain amount of money and time on air…no more. At the present, only the rich can afford to run.. or those who accept financing from interested persons who expect a return payoff in terms of legislation. Shocking. Thanks for your movement.

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  2. I think that most of the voters who supported Trump were of this mind. They did not want a Nanny State telling them how to raise their children, what to tech them in school and a host of other items. Also, they are very much concerned about all of the freebies that some want without the consequences of how to pay for them. I believe that most working, middle class Americans do not ant to saddle their children and grandchildren with a debt that will never be paid off. So many of the new socialist Democrats want to give free college education, universal Medicare and other benefits without thinking about where the money is going to come from to pay for all of the freebies.

    America and even Sweden have been able to work because they are meritocracies. In Sweden the semi-socialist economy has been able to work because until the last decade or two it was a homogeneous society where everyone understood that the system worked because every one in it worked. There were no freeloaders. Now with an influx of refugees and immigrants who do not abide by the social contract that was among native Swedes, the system is approaching collapse. Swedes were willing to pay high taxes in the 50% range because they new that the system was benefiting them and they were getting a just return on investment: free university and other higher education, free medical care and other benefits. However, with a torrent of people now entering the country and wanting these benefits without having paid into the system the quality of these benefits is dropping. Soon the country will no longer be able to care for its inhabitants in the same way.

    Just beware the Jabberwocky. Unintended consequences of actions.

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    1. I do not believe one can compare Sweden to the US. Blaming all problems on immigrants is an excuse. The reasons for a circumstance in society are not so simple. The reasons are almost always much more more complex than a glance will tell you. Sweden did not have a strong economy to begin with, with too many socialized, governmental businesses and few global trade agreements. Economists have said this about Scandinavia for years. A society more based on capitalist efforts, in history are more able to survive. The US thrived and grew with immigrants to where we are now. What do you think taxes are for? Just to make the politicians rich or to have the affordability of health care for the citizens?

      A nation needs healthy citizens to progress and work. Canada provides health care by removing the health insurance companies from the equation. Many nations with universal care have removed the health insurers. I believe that Canada has some regulation of pharmacy and many Americans do buy prescriptions from Canada, because they are too expensive here. Canada pays for it with personal (sales taxes, also) and business taxes. Free is not what is desired. Affordability is the goal. p.s. the debt is rising now under the current President. p.s.s. I never used the word “utopia”.


      1. I live in Canada and can tell you that health care up here is not the utopian plan that you and others think. Most provinces are pretty good at taking care of life threatening and emergency events. However, there is a dearth of doctors. I know the situation in BC fairly well and in many locations from Vancouver to the smallest town you cannot find a family physician. You have to go to a walk-in clinic where you see a doctor who has no knowledge of your history or has a personal relationship with you. What that means is that if you have a long term illness, you are up the creek. People use the ER as their doctor. NOT GOOD, anywhere.

        People with a knowledge of BIG PHARMA understand the issue with prices to be something entirely different than what most believe. Many nations buy drugs through a central government purchasing. They in turn place large orders and can bargain the companies down. However, because the USA doen’t work this way and large private organizations do the buying they jack up the US prices to subsidize the foreign market. I agree that something needs to be done but is central government buying the best solution. Again, looking at Canada to see if they have a solution. All that I know is that not all of the drugs available to the world and especially in the USA are available in Canada. We had a friend who needed a pacemaker. He did his research and found that one brand had the highest rating and he wanted that unit put into his heart. BC did not use that brand. He flew to Rancho Mirage, CA and had it put in at Eisenhower Memorial Hospital. There is a multi tiered system in Canada. Those who can afford to travel to another country get their operations when they need them in a timely manner before their condition become dire. I think that this is true in all of the socialized medicine countries.

        What I wrote about earlier about Sweden is from a recent study. All socialized countries will fail soon because of at least one trend: an aging population. Japan and China are both looking at this time bomb as are the western European countries. Even the USA is slowly catching up to this statistic. Western civilizations and other countries that have become westernized have had fertility rates that do not allow for replacement of population, let alone growth. In many countries, China in particular, thought that having babies was a negative for whatever reasons. Now they are paying for their lack of replacement planning for their populations.

        I find it very interesting that nobody moves to, immigrates to or seeks to find long term refugee status in socialized countries. Nobody goes to Cuba or to Venezuela. In fact they flee from them.

        In the USA, we don’t need free education, we need lower cost education. We don’t need free medicare, we need affordable. There is “no such thing as a free lunch” you are going to pay for it one way or another. Beware of unointended consequences.

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        1. 1. If you have proof of why no insurance or insurance that does not cover pre-existing condition are better than such a health plan that Canada has, then present the proof

          2. There are countless horror stories in the US, pre ACA heath care and recently such as people eating cat tuna as a meal, to afford their medication; and people with diabetes who cannot afford their medication, so they take a lesser dose and end up dying.

          I know that in Ontario, Canada, the people with medical coverage, have to pay for their own prescriptions. When they are not paying for doctor appointments or doctor co-pays, then they have more money to pay for prescriptions. Have you ever heard of or read about Canadians eating cat tuna to pay for medications? And yes, the cost of prescriptions in Canada, at the present time, is much lower than in the US.

          We, in the US, have had countless people losing their homes to pay for hospital and medical costs. Homes were foreclosed on prior to the Severe Recession, after the Severe Recession, pre-ACA and less so now after ACA (Affordable Care Act), as far as I know. But the foreclosure of homes in the USA still occurs due to the high cost of medical care.

          3. I know more about Canada than you think. I have visited there many times. I know someone with a non-top rated pace-maker. It is still ticking after about 7 years.

          4. I found articles about Sweden that say that the main problem was they accepted too many immigrants at one time and that the jobs available are for more educated people and that is why the immigrants have a higher unemployment rate. There was mention of immigrants earnestly searching for work, not about free-loaders.

          5. People who enter the higher paying professions like medicine, law, and business do not want work in rural areas where they are paid less. Is that the government’s fault?

          6. Thanks for your information about drug pricing. I know very little about that. It was in the US news a few weeks ago that Trump is making Medicare buy pharmaceuticals according to other countries prices. I have forgotten the details.

          7. I believe there is more than one reason why Big Pharma sells drugs to US customers at such high costs, not just what you mention, private instead of the national buying “do the buying they jack up the US prices to subsidize the foreign market.” For, example, The US customers live in a very prosperous country; therefore they are willing to pay more. Big Pharma takes advantage of that fact and charge the most and higher than people can afford; some Americans have better prescription Insurance coverage and some have crappy or not so good coverage. People scrimp. save and I have heard of Americans, before ACA (Affordable Care Act) eating cat tuna for meals so they could afford their medications.

          Doctors, do overprescribe, especially anti-biotics, but mostly I think they prescribe what the patients need or what they were trained to prescribe in medical school. The doctors have to keep up with the latest research, of course. But Big Pharma is way out whack with what the hospitals are doing. Hospitals and doctors have a great deal more ethics, I believe. The prime recent horrible action of Big Pharma is the opioid crisis. I don’t think it can all be blamed on Big Pharma. I would place about 70% -80% of the blame on Big Pharma. The rest of the 20% -30% blame, I would put on the prescribing doctors and the illegal drug dealers/cartels. The addicts also have blame for popping pills and not managing their pain reasonably.

          Big Pharma in the US is paying their top CEO’s millions and billions annually. That is a fact. The cost of our medications in the USA is related to how much the execs are earning and how much the Big Pharma sales people are paid to promote drugs at physicians’ offices. Is this going on in Canada to such an extent?

          Ten years ago, many, many Americans were buying prescriptions from Canada, by crossing the border or by on-line services. Now there are a multitude of countries who have entered this market to sell to Americans: “Australia, Barbados, India, Israel, Italy, Mauritius, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom play a larger role in meeting this demand.” https://www.pharmacychecker.com/international-pharmacy-regulations/

          In 2014, Canada’s Big Pharma Industry was rated 9th in the world with $21,353 million; however, the US was rated number 1 in the world with close to $340,000 million annual revenue. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-biggest-global-pharmaceutical-markets-in-the-world.html
          That would tell one that the US’s Big Pharma is huge compared to Canada’s.

          No one I know in Ontario has complained of a dearth of doctors. They do mention some long waits for certain things. Somebody did have a long period of time before their pre-teen or teen child was diagnosed with spina bifida. The child was finally diagnosed by an American doctor who was working part-time in Ontario.

          I hope the progressing law suits against Big Pharma result in CEO’s being put into prison for life. It will very likely, not happen because the US law statutes have a severe double standard for white collar criminals. The corporations can commit murder and cause ruined lives, but the most they, usually, ever get are monetary fines. Our congress wants to keep it that way. So many of them own big companies, corporations, or have big dividends coming into their coffers.

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          1. if you think hospitals have such great ethics, might i suggest you take a close look at all the over inflated hospital charges for aspirin, benadryl tabs, services never performed etc…

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  3. I’m not sure I can wrap my brain around this idea of electing more from the middle class because they are from the middle class. I’m all for electing more people from any class who understand and respect our Constitution. People who will swear to protect, defend and enforce our Constitution.
    If we could do that, we would taking a giant step towards solving many of the problems created by ignoring the Constitution. America sees no class distinction, everyone is free to fail or succeed. Opening the freedom for those who succeed is far more important than propping up those who fail and blame their failure on something else.
    The only “like minded people” I want running are those with like minds regarding our Constitution.

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  4. 10-26-18
    Hello Chuck – Thanks for you comment. Here are some of my reasons for advocating for a middle class party in the US:

    [1.] Our country is now 242 years old but the state of our country is in need of repair, just as you specify in your fourth sentence,”If we could do that, we would taking a giant step towards solving many of the problems created by ignoring the Constitution…” This country is in a state of strife and disharmony. We have bombing attempts and hateful rhetoric.

    [2.] I have heard about Harry Reid, not on the news but from a resident in Nevada, someone writing about it on AOL comments, is about Democrat Harry Reid, who represented Nevada, now retired. I just googled it and found this article. At times, crooked politicians can continue to keep their jobs as part of the US government system. He rose to Senate majority leader and was found to have been untruthful on disclosure forms and that he made 1.1 million on a land deal but the details were hidden. He even paid back over $31,000 after buying gifts with campaign money from his granddaughter, who owned a jewelry line.


    [3.] There is a majority of Americans that do believe that all politicians are crooked.

    [EDIT = 53% was the percentage of Americans believing political corruption is a crisis in the US as found by Real Clear Politics, in an article dated 2019. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/04/25/voters_rate_political_corruption_as_americas_biggest_crisis_140156.html%5D.

    The reasons they loathe or distrust our leaders include because they see leaders get richer while in office. Middle class people struggle. Even, little things like the federal government’s law to lower the volume of commercials on T.V, about 3-8 years ago, never really resulted in a great change. I don’t know about you? I still hear loud commercials after the law was passed. The corporations and the advertisers, somehow, won out. They decreased the volume by such a tiny fraction,that it is not noticeable. Our aggravation and discomfort of commercials playing so much louder than the regular T.V. shows were not important. Humans’ ear drums are not important. Americans who are aggravated must use the remote to mute or lower when a loud commercial comes on. They sell more because of the loudness, or they think that they sell more. We do not want the short end of the stick.

    [4.] If you expect a person who used their money to get elected and who lived 20 years in the business world, perhaps as a shareholder of a huge corporation and on 3 boards of directors, to have your or my best interests in mind, when working for us as a Senator or Representative…well I don’t think so. That is not just my opinion.

    [5.] Have you ever seen a thick heavy English ivy? If you have ever seen the 8-10 inch thick branches of English ivy smothering and wrapping around the trunk of a tall mature tree, that is what the power and wealth “intertwining” reminds me of. The middle class and the poor would represent the tree, wrapped by the English Ivy (the very rich) that is difficult to get rid of in the garden or on trees.

    There is a blogger on wordpress, a retired journalist (his name is Ebersole), who wrote a blog about Rushkoff’s (a prolific author) meeting
    with 5 billionaires or multi-billionaires from the hedge-fund industry, who have a great fear of the middle class and/or poor rising up against them. I was extremely surprised, in fact, awestruck, to learn that fact, as were other commenters after the blog. The hedge-funders paid Rushkoff a huge amount of money to give a speech about technology’s future. Rushkoff, subsequently wrote about the hedge-funders’ fears, such as using locks to protect food from angry mobs, “…Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers — if that technology could be developed in”…” Elon Musks’s idea of earth people living on Mars was discussed. Rushkoff was so surprised that these billionaires thought that things were so “far gone” and that treating their servants or guards kindly would never be helpful to protect them. Rushkoff suggested that would be the best way to proceed, but the billionaires scoffed at it.


    [6.] Yes, George Washington and some, many or most of all politicians elected to office came from the aristocrat class. He and Thomas Jefferson, and the rest wrote a liberal document instituting that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness plus the fact that all men are created equal, were paramount. They never once stated in the declaration of Independence that corporations had more rights than individuals, nor that people with more money had more rights to be elected to office. The Declaration of Independence is the foundation of our law statutes.

    According to what I have read they did mention a dislike for political parties. Tell me one good reason why that set of circumstances of the rich controlling the decisions over our country, why it should stay that way?

    p.s. my argument is not about looking down on those who succeed. It is not about giving failures their chances and then blaming whomever. Your words: “Opening the freedom for those who succeed is far more important than propping up those who fail and blame their failure on something else…” Please do not put words into my mouth. Where in my blog did I say something similar to your thoughts? I never said look down on the rich nor look down on those who succeed.

    You said that. Why do we not just cut to the chase? You accuse of writing that something that I never wrote.

    Your statement was about not opening the freedom and blaming failure on something else. Where did I say that?

    I apologize for getting so wordy. I love to write.
    Of course, so many of my ideas are not fleshed out on my small blog. My book, hopefully, will be better at bringing out my explanations and mission statements. As I envision this new political movement, a majority vote by the party members will decide if one penny in campaign donations will be taken from rich people. I believe that the moral compass of a middle class party would proceed better without rich people's money.

    There are a huge number of issues involved with money in politics. A rich person would highly dislike the thrust of this party movement, just for the fact that the middle class people would be favored to be elected, as opposed to people from their class. I do think that there are some probably, very moral rich people such as Tom Steyer, Warren Buffet, and even Oprah Winfrey. That is just my opinion.



    1. I am just going to comment on one tiny bit of your commentary. Most infrastructure in the US is handled at local levels: cities, townships, counties and states not by the Federal government. Also, most of the politicians at these levels are from the working class.

      The reason for decrepit infrastructure is that repairing and maintaining infrastructure is not SEXY. It is expensive and even in the private sector going down to private homes, if something else is deemed more necessary maintenance is delayed. The longer maintenance is delayed the acceleration of the maintenance issue increases and the cost increases.

      New construction is SEXY. Therefore if the county commissioners want to be reelected, they will build something new rather than repave a street or repair or replace a hundred year old sewer line. This routine will continue until the voters set their priorities.

      Furthermore, social programs suck the money from maintenance. No need to elaborate on this it is prima facie.

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        1. As I only state truth, you have my permission. There is a lot of mythology about health care in Canada which is unfortunate. What they have is better than nothing but not as good as can be. About three decades ago some minister decided that Canada had too many doctors. Hence the decision was made not to build more teaching hospitals or medical schools. Now Canada must import almost all of its doctors. My wife and I do not have a single native Canadian doctor and between us we have about six. These doctor are good. But what happened?

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      1. I searched where I mentioned infrastructure. I did mention it on the welcome post, I think. I agree with these reasons you mention being the likely main reasons that infrastructure suffers. I would add that the big corporations who get away with not contributing enough to taxes, thereby, allowing their CEO’s to make millions and billions is another main reason. Your statement that voters need to set their priorities, I find that a bit confusing. Voters want good roads without potholes and bridges that do not cause injuries and fall down.

        I know someone who is a civil engineer. Civil engineers are mostly just middle class. They make the recommendations. Unless they get elected to higher or local official positions to force more infrastructure spending in the important committees or on local councils, then it probably won’t happen in a timely manner. Those convincing speeches on the floor of the senate and house, are sometimes the most important things to make spending bills move. That is my guess. From what I can tell, a lot of engineers are mathematics focused and not politically-minded. My dad was an engineer, not civil. My dad was almost a voracious newspaper reader, 2 newspapers every day. He was a staunch republican.

        As for social programs, social programs that have rampant or a medium amount of fraud such as disability and welfare do take money away from all of government money, not just from “maintenance,” I would say.

        I believe that people on welfare are being groomed along for generations by us, the middle class and the rich. The poor who depend on welfare, many with drug problems, alcohol problems, and just families that are so used to it for too many generations, the system is at fault or partially at fault. There must be a way to get many of them out of that rut, maybe within 5 generations or so. Bill Clinton is the only president since FDR to make a drastic change to welfare. There is a certain percentage that need welfare for no fault of their own. My grandmother was a single mother for some time. She had 3 kids. My mom’s family lived in public housing for some years and welfare until my grandma had a factory job. Or I think they moved when my grandma remarried. She retired from the same factory she started at after 20-25 yrs. I think. However, after retirement, she only received social security. Her sister and brother-in-law (my great aunt and great uncle) obtained jobs at a union plant and they ended up with a pension + social security. They had it made, compared to my grandma. Good thing, my grandma was so frugal.

        There is also a line of thinking among some liberals, that the rich want to keep the poor on welfare, so they don’t rise up against the rich. I think there may be some validity in that. I am not sure.


  5. Without dragging this on, my primary disagreement with your “more middle class” idea is that it assumes there are no crooks in their class. All the crooked politicians are individual crooked people and the middles class probably has just as many.
    I contend we need to return to our Constitution, we must teach it, our founding and Western Culture. We must get back to America and not elect America hating anti constitutionalists.
    If you care to continue our discussion, try not covering so many subjects and let’s debate on one subject at a time.

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    1. This is really going to be my last comment here. You chastise the person from Canada for not having proof and then you use nothing but hearsay information. It is obvious you know nothing of our Constitution and as far as I’m concerned you are a Democratic Socialist masking as person wanting a middle class takeover, That’s the same theme as any power seeking political party uses.
      You seem to dislike Capitalism without understanding what it is. It is the purest form of freedom any people could ask for when it is followed.
      I will no longer respond to your lack of knowledge statements.

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      1. Regarding your words “This is really going to be my last comment here. You chastise the person from Canada for not having proof”

        [EDIT 4-27-20 Let me make this perfectly clear. When the United States of America has only two political parties and they both gerrymander the House of Representative districts then this is evidence that our Constitution is not being held to in a basic way. The way you speak of upholding our Constitution, in my opinion, ignores the serious facts and faults in our government. In addition, the Republicans love to take actions in voter suppression and in ballot manipulation especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic (i.e. the president saying no mail in ballots and that if there was only mail in ballots it would be the end of the Republican Party). Our Founding Fathers and Mothers in subsequent rulings are not being honored in current times. That is why I advocate for a third party. You accused me of being a democratic socialist.

        Well, there are some good things in a country like Norway and Finland with their democratic socialism. In my opinion, it is apparent to me that you spout off hate about politics you know little about. A company like Amazon and other corporations pay zero taxes. Is that fair? These are circumstances wherein middle class people with good heads on their shoulders would and could re-write bad tax codes. Being flippant about change in the USA political arena is not wise, I do contend. We always need improvement in any town government, any state government, any federal government, any branch of government , any checks and balances. Any country in the world needs improvement. That is my analysis.

        My book is very clear that I believe that the best form of government is a democracy and that the best form of economy is capitalism. end of edit]

        1. It is my right and my freedom of speech to tell another commenter that they should not put words into my mouth. Freedom of Speech is an extremely important section of the constitution. Mr. Diaz, You have written a book about the constitution, so maybe you should understand it better than I. I have never read the entire constitution.

        2. Most of my knowledge about Canada’s universal care (which is split into provinces) is about the province of Ontario. I have relatives in Ontario. I learned from someone (a native Canadian in British Columbia or Quebec, I don’t remember) about 9-12 months ago, that each province is dis-similar and has varying ways of giving out health care. In Ontario, the sales tax on everything is high, like about 16 -18 cents on every dollar spent. Jeffrey Zucker did not tell me that that each province is different. I see that he has mentioned that in a more recent comment.

        3. Regarding your accusation that I chastised Jeffrey Zucker, that is an objective way to look at my words. Many commenters and social scientists on-line ask for links or request supporting statements for their sentences (regarding their claims and arguments). They say “present your proof” or “where is your link.” It is very common and not rude nor thought of as chastising. We all look at things differently. It would be your freedom of speech to think that “my asking for proof” is a chastisement.

        4. My book is clear on how I regard capitalism. If you read my reply to Zucker’s first comment to me, that would be an answer on how regard capitalism. Our government in the US, right now, does not have pure capitalism. As far as I know, throughout the world, and since the earliest villages, city states, there has always been some regulation or semi-socialism. The taxes were collected in order to make the organization of so many people living closer together more managable. The ditches and pipes were built to make the water flow for drinking water and for sanitary reasons. The taxes were used to pay a treasurer and to pay the leader of a small village or town. In the US we call the leaders Mayors.

        3. When the US (Dept. of education and local school districts) regulates the schools to teach a certain curriculum, that is not pure capitalism. The people must adhere to rules to make sure that the children/students are learning in school. If there was not over-sight of the schools, our tax dollars could be wasted and the people we need to grow up and fill jobs to keep the nation thriving, would not happen without some regulation (or semi- socialism). Learning mathematics, how to write, read, etc. are needed. I know that the definition of socialism has to do with the economy (where the government has ownership of the businesses) but I see all of taxation as the earliest form of semi-socialism. A simple society such as tribe living remotely in a jungle has no tax. Some civilizations had no tax but they forced their people to work such as building pyramids or fighting in battles or wars.

        4. Whether you make any comments in the future is not a big deal. By the way, I have no idea which party you lean toward. That is a mystery.
        I just found this on wiki for “mayor” , “In several countries, where there is not local autonomy, mayors are often appointed by some branch of the federal or regional government. In some cities, subdivisions such as boroughs may have their own mayors; this is the case, for example, with the arrondissements of Paris, Montreal, and Mexico City.”

        5. I urge you to point out my “lack of knowledge statements.” We all make mistakes but you make a general statement with zero specifics. Generalizations mean nothing.


    2. I am living in Canada because of family issues not because I was fleeing the US. First of all, Health care up here is a province by province issue. There is no NATIONAL health care as some would think. Therefore the quality of health care varies from decent to terrible. Back when with my private health insurance in the US, mind you I was not anywhere near rich just self-employed, I could get any test that I needed from a CT scan to a treadmill test in less than a week. I had multiple providers from which to choose. Whether in BC or Alberta, the two provinces where I have lived, I and my wife have had to wait for months to get these more sophisticated tests.

      My wife needed open heart surgery. She was one of 41 patients in line to get a bed at the hospital over 40 miles from where we lived. We did not live in the boonies but in a bedroom community of Vancouver.

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